Thursday, November 13, 2014

Do I have to Call Myself an Addict if I’m Saved?

Christian Recovery and the New Creation Reality!

The question, “Do I have to call myself an addict if I’m saved” is often asked by new Christians. And the answer is “No.” But not everyone agrees. In fact, a lot of Christians believe the secular philosophy of “Once an addict, always an addict.” But if this is true, then the Bible is telling lies. And we all know that God’s word is Truth. God is very clear when it comes to the New Creation Reality. Take 2 Corinthians 5:17 for example: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” 

With this Scripture in mind, it becomes clear that the secular philosophy is actually the lie. Of course, this is not the only Scripture that backs up the New Creation Reality. There are too many to number and the whole concept of being born again and having the continual ability to repent and turn things around is rampant in the pages of the Bible. The bottom line is that Jesus died so we could die to our old life and be resurrected into a new life.

It’s true that we are all born with a sin nature, and many of us have a propensity for addictions. Others can be more prone to gossiping, or to negativity, or to pride or lust. These propensities must be overcome with the blood of Jesus. We do not have to accept these character flaw, but instead need to walk in faith and believe that we are who God says we are. 

It is with this New Creation Reality that we find our true identity in Christ. It is in this realm that we discover our gifts and the purpose for which God created us in the first place.

The Word of God declares us whole. It declares us to be more than conquerors. It declares that we are overcomers and says that we have the authority to stomp on snakes and scorpions. The Bible explains that we have the essence of God living in us, and that our God nature overtakes our sin nature – if and when we let it.

Should you call yourself an addict? Only if you are in your addiction and have yet to turn your life over to God. Otherwise, call yourself SET FREE! 

Jamee Pineda is the co-director of The Solid Rock Road Chrsitian Recovery ministry, which was founded in 2002. She is also the co-author of "Follow The Solid Rock Road: Pathway to Radical Recovery" and the training manual that teaches pastors and recovery ministry leaders how to use the book for group recovery.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Christian Recovery: The Battle of the Mind

If you have been a Christian for a while and still feel more connected to your old lifestyle, you have to turn that around. When you’re in the midst of your addictions, you will naturally feel more connected to like-minded people.
In your sin nature, you want to hang around people who are doing what you’re doing, or are worse than you. They make you feel better about yourself. No matter how crazy the environment gets, you would rather be with those who don’t appear to be judging you or limiting your behavior.
When Satan divides, he conquers. When you give in to your feelings of inadequacy, unworthiness, or insecurities, you’re letting the devil win the battle of your mind. If you never get over believing that you don’t belong, you will never actually belong.          
We’re really proud of a friend of ours who constantly battles with insecurities. The way she has fought against the enemy’s plan to keep her separated from other church members is to admit when she is feeling unloved, neglected, or judged. When she confesses these things, she brings the dark parts of her mind to the light. This eliminates the power of the lie and allows her to have proper fellowship with Christians and with God.
This friend is an example of how Ephesians 5:8-11 works:  For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth), finding out what is acceptable to the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.”
Like many others, our friend will most likely have to continue to counteract the thoughts in her mind. Eventually, her default mode will be who Christ says she is, not what her parents or other people have said about her at one time or another.
Fortunately, our friend has been willing to expose her weaknesses, which has helped keep her drug free for six years. What a great example of how to be accountable and vulnerable. She knows she belongs, even though she doesn’t always feel like it, and even when she feels separated and disconnected. 
We wish there were more like her in the world. We would be in the midst of a radical recovery revolution!
This article is an excerpt from the Christian recovery book titled "Follow The Solid Rock Road: Pathway to Radical Recovery." You can learn more about the ministry of The Solid Rock Road by visiting the recovery website

Monday, June 9, 2014

Christian Intervention: How to Overcome Co-Dependency

Many Christians with loved ones struggling with addiction want to have faith, but instead, they are sick with worry. This worry becomes sin, and like all sin, it grows and takes on a life of its own until the loved one of the addict is consumed by it. Once consumed, the loved one is fully engaged in enabling and co-dependent behaviors, resulting in a cycle of insanity that’s nearly as dangerous as the addict’s.

Loved ones who have become enablers and co-dependents become highly emotional and extremely confused. They are emotional because they carry the burden of the addict and are entangled in their chaos. Loved ones believe it is their duty to fix the problem and to save the addicts from themselves. They are confused because of the lies they are constantly told and the schemes the addict makes them part of. As a result, the loved one is desperate and carries a heavy weight of guilt and fear.

Parents and spouses of addicts suffer from guilt in relation to their loved ones. This is true for those parents who have a personal history of addiction, and even parents who have raised their children in the church. It’s true for spouses who once partied with the addict, and it’s the case for the Christian spouse who has never tasted alcohol or tried drugs. In other words, guilt doesn’t play favorites.

Guilt is defined as “a feeling of responsibility or remorse for some offense, crime, wrong, etc., whether real or imagined.” It’s no wonder the addict and the devil use guilt to manipulate and entangle God’s people. A few examples of real and perceived guilt by the loved ones of addicts include the following:

·         A single mother regrets not having a father in the life of her child. The addict works on the sympathies of the mother, who then tends to make excuses for the addict’s behavior.
·         A wife feels as though she could have done more for her addicted husband. The husband makes sure his wife feels like she was too much of a nag, too focused on the children, a bad house keeper, unable to satisfy his needs and so on.
·         A husband believes he has failed his wife because he has been unable to fix her addiction problem. The wife piles on the guilt with all the different ways he has failed her as a husband -- Not spiritual enough, loving enough, manly enough, financially stable enough and unable to understand her.

Addicts are notorious for making their loved ones believe they aren’t doing enough when they are actually doing too much. This kind of manipulation results in the loved one accepting the guilt, carrying the burdens, and doing more than they should. Thus, the never-ending cycle begins and keeps going as the addict takes and takes and takes, while the loved one gives and gives and gives.

Fear is another emotion that drives the loved ones of addicts. They are fearful that their loved ones will lose their jobs, lose their families, become homeless, have accidents, overdose or die. While these fears are well-founded based on the dangerous activities and self-destructive habits of an addict, fear should not be allowed to control the choices and behaviors of the loved ones.

Addicts understand how fearful their loved ones are and become experts at using fear to get what they want, which is their drug of choice. For example, the addict will ask for money, the loved one says no, so the addict says that if they don’t get the money, they will be homeless, they won’t have food for their family, they won’t have gas to get to work and will lose their job, and so on. Since the addicts know what the loved one is most concerned about, they will use it to their advantage.

How to stop the cycle of guilt and fear

Christians have the cross, and must use it in order to surrender their loved ones there. The cross is also important for the loves ones to repent, and to overcome guilt and fear. While the loved ones have become desperate for the addict to remember who God is, they themselves have forgotten many key principles of the kingdom.

It’s all about choices. The addict continues to make the choice to continue with their behavior. When loved ones are engaged in enabling and co-dependent behavior, all of their choices are in response to the addict’s behavior. To stop the cycle, it then becomes necessary for the loved ones to make new choices, based on biblical faith and the reality of the situation.

Here are 5 initial steps loved ones need to take when they’re ready to change their co-dependent lifestyle:

1.      Admit they are in over their heads and need God to take over completely.
2.      Commit to the process of change, knowing that it will be extremely difficult and painful. In fact, be willing to die to yourself over and over again.
3.      Choose to set new boundaries. These can be as small as not accepting phone calls when the loved one is high, or not giving money no matter the level of guilt or fear.
4.      Talk with the addict. Tell them about the new boundary. For example: “You are making the choice to continue in your addiction, and now I am making my own choices. I will no longer give you money, no matter what. If you ask, I will answer with ‘My choice is to not give you money as long as you are addicted.’”
5.      Fight the spiritual battle for yourself first, then for the loved one. (A wounded soldier must get well in order to return to the front lines.)

If you are a loved one in need of help, you will find more articles here on www.thesolidrockroad.com You can also send an email to or call 541-778-8680. You can also find my Christian recovery book on titled "Follow The Solid Rock Road: Pathway to Radical Recovery."