Monday, November 1, 2010

The Problem with Christians in Addiction

There’s not really one problem with Christians in addiction, but there’s one that stands out above the rest, which is separation from God. Ask anyone dealing with substance abuse issues and they will tell you that they no longer have a close relationship with God.

We hear stories about how in the midst of a person’s addiction they saw God, or God spoke to them. We acknowledge the reality of these kinds of spiritual experiences, but believe they are rare and meant to remind certain backsliders who they are in Christ. But on the whole, the sin of addiction causes a major separation.

Some addicts ask our ministry leaders, “Where is God?” Our answer is that God is still around, but he’s waiting for you to come to your senses – like in the story of the Prodigal son. And like the father in that story, God doesn’t chase after the addict. He waits and allows the consequences of choices to bring people to their bottom. It’s in their weakest moments that addicts and others allow God’s strength and enabling grace to rescue them.

Christians in addiction can’t be rescued unless they want to be. This is the troubling news for family members who work so hard to help their loved one get set free from drugs and alcohol. Often times, they work harder on sobriety than the addict. And the results are discouragement, frustration and many questions for God. Oftentimes, the loved ones of addicts find themselves separated from God because He hasn’t worked on their behalf.

The problem with Christians in addiction is that they have been taken captive and need to be set free once and for all so that they can connect with their source of life and energy, which is God.

The Solid Rock Road Christian recovery program in Medford, Oregon, works with Christians in addiction who have made the decision to get right with God. The program also works with family members to help them with issues of co-dependency, which is also sin. You can call The Solid Rock Road at 541-778-8680 for more information, or visit You can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

In addition, there’s a recovery book available titled “Follow The Solid Rock Road: Pathway to Radical Recovery.” It’s available on the website, on


  1. I praise the Lord for you and your ministry. I myself have been delivered from a 30 year heroin addiction by the power of the Most High God. Did He chase me? I tend to believe He did. He answered my prayers for help by allowing me to get locked up. Then He ordered my steps to a long term Christian rehab filled me with His Spirit then as you tell your followers He sent me back to His elect that struggle in the same area. God always uses kinsman redeemers. If you think that your life is your own once God calls you delivers you then seals you with His Spirit better think again. I tried to do me after 9 years clean and sober. Definition of insanity go do the same thing and expect a different result. I pray your ministry will forever renain in His will. As it was at the first so shall it be at the last. God is looking for the throwaways. The prostitues the drug dealers those that soceity has given up on, be encouraged and get ready for the last gathering before He returns

  2. Joseph, thanks for sharing about your personal journey. I really believe that blessings come in strange packages -- like getting locked up.

    We appreciate your prayers for our ministry, and we receive your exhortation to remain in God's will until the end!

    Continue to do God's work through your own blog and whatever else He gives you to do!

    In Him,
