Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Freedom Comes When God is First

God wants to take first place in your life and be the source of power for all things.
God is way more powerful than Satan. Unfortunately, you may see Satan as the one with all the power. But the reason you can't resist him is because you’re surrendered to him. If you transfer your obedience to God, you will be shocked and amazed by His power, love and grace.

This is your first step to overcoming addictions forever. Think about God more than you think about your drug of choice. If God is first, then He will be on your mind and His righteousness will become you.

You can see this as simplistic or you can see this as an amazing opportunity to be quickly transformed. I challenge you to soak yourself in the presence of God and be immersed in His Word for one month straight. Go to very church event and Bible study you can. Make dates with faithful people who will build you up spiritually. Get prayer every day and be in prayer every day. You will see the power of God, you will be able to resist the temptations and you will be free from your addictions.

Follow me on Twitter at And look for a book I co-wrote called Follow the Solid Rock Road: Pathway to Radical Recovery.

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